Art. Books. Films. Music. Quotes
"Often we read, hear or watch something and become inspired for that moment and then we forget it again to continue in our way."
I like to talk with people about their favourite books, films and music. It's not that I know that person as good as I would a adventure with them together, but it's a first step to learn a
person to know and if we have similarities.
Books to read and films to watch is a good way to start but there is no substitute for going there (Y. Chouinard)
When you buy something from an artist
you're buying more than an object.
You're buying hundreds of hours of errors and experimentation.
You're buying years of frustration and moments of pure joy.
You're not buying just one thing,
you're buying a piece of a heart,
a piece of a soul...
a small piece of someone elses life.
(Token Queen of Pottery)
Maybe films, talks, songs are too fast for us to truly understand the worlds. Maybe we have to read more books again. Maybe we have to read them loud and a few times
the same passage again and again to fully understand a meaning.
- The Bible
- Into the Wild
- The Golden Spruce
- Walden
- The Red Giants
- The Power of One
- It's all good
- The Alchemist
- Siddharta
- Les Miserables
- The little Prince
- The call of gold & The Sea Wolf & White Fang and all the other Jack London Books
- Lord of the Rings
- Pee Wee The Kiwi
- Every Thing is F*cked - A book about hope, Mark Manson
- 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Yuval Noah Harari
- The Fear Bubble, Ant Middleton
- The Future WE Choose, Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac
- Riding with Giants, Peter Holmes a Court
- Talking to Stranges - What we should know about the people we don't know, Malcolm Gladwell
And many other good books. It's just a list to start and remind that books to read are actually better than hang on a phone or TV.
I'm normally not a friend of movies but some documentaries and movies are just beautiful and not just a time killer but we have to focus on them completely and not just watch them beside doing
something else.
- Home and Humans documentaryby Yann Arthus Bertrand
- Mountains
- Into the wild
- Seven Years in Tibet
- The Beach
- The Green Mile
- The Lord of the Rings
- Million Dollar Baby
- Les Miserables
- Cool kids don't cry
- The Lion's King
- Spirit
- Mulan
- 2040
- We feed the world
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Rocketman
- Le Chorus Les Choristes
- Patagonia Movies: 180° South, Nevertown, Damnation...
- Green Renaissance Movies
- Hadwin's Judgement
- Stand UP
- Forest Gump
- Joker
- Anderwo, Allein in Afrika
- Dieses bescheuerte Herz
- Dead Poets Society
- Pursuit of Happiness
- Onward
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” (Plato)
The quiter you become, the more you are able to hear - Rumi
A really short and incomplete list but I almost thing we can find somekind of wisdom in every song, because singing is the voice of love and expression of our inner soul.
- Beatles - Yesterday, Hey Jude, Come together, Let it be, Here comes the sun
- John Lennon - Imagine, Stand by me
- Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody; Love of my life, We are the Champions, I was born to love you, Who wants to live forever
- Bob Marley - Three little birds, Roots, rock Reggae, Redemption song
- Michael Jackson - Earth Song, They don't care about us
- Eminem - Lose yourself, Till I collapse, Kings never die, Love the way you lie
- Coldplay - Paradise, A sky full of stars
- Alligatoah - Lungenflügel, Freie Liebe, Beinebrechen, Wie Zuhause, Mein Sohn
- Ärzte - Lasse Reden, Deine Schuld, Wofür man lebt, Rebell, Junge
- Tote Hosen - Alles passiert, Nur zu Besuch, Paradies
- Iriepathie - Hand zum Himmel
- Irie Revoltes - Antifaschist, Rebelles, Fäuste hoch, Zeit ist Geld
- Ohrbooten - Autobahn, Keine Panik, Und Tschüss, Man lebt nur einmal
- Culcha Candela - Mama Earth, Next Generation
- Udo Jürgens - Tausend Jahre sind ein Tag
- Europe - The Final Countdown
- Alec Benjamin - Let me down slowly, If we have each other
- The Police - So Lonely, Message in a bottle
- Fools Garden - Lemon Tree
- Skillet - Not gonna die tonight, Rise
- Placebo - A Song to Say Goodbye
- Nirvana - Smells like Teen Spirit
- Eddie Vedder - Society, Just breath, Hard Sun, Long nights, Guaranteed
- Flora Cash - We own this town, Somebody else
- Era - Ameno
- Hollow Coves - The Woods, These Memories
- Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
- The Rolling Stones - Paint it Black
- AnnenMayKantereit - Hurra die Welt geht unter, Pocahontas
- Disturbed - The Song of Silence
- Vangelis - Conquest of Paradise
- No wonder - All we do

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