
Bryce Canyon NP - Sunrise point
Bryce Canyon NP - Sunrise point


There are many travel agencies out there, so why do I start another , what is our idea, and why is it called  TogetherAloneTours?


Everyone experiences things/adventures in their own way but we can still  enjoy and share this experiences for a broader view and more fun. Being outside, explore, learn& teach new skills, laugh and have fun together.


  That's life!

 That are our memories and stories we will & can tell each other!


"Let's share some adventures and be alive!"

Travel Concept

TogetherAloneTours stands for an alternative active travel concept with some new ideas to make your travel adventurous, fair and fun and sustainable.

  1. Motivated  - We do our tours even without you!
    That means, we only offer tours we're doing because we (our guides) want to do it anyways. We are planning our adventures and you're invited to join us and benefit from our planning!
  2. Flexible and Fair - Build your tour and pay for what you get!
    Booking a tour means always risks, especially for adventure traveling. You can get sick or the tour is maybe to hard or to easy or just not what you expected. We want to be as fair and flexible as possible. So there is a fixed price for our guide and the tour  and a daily rate and you decide where you want sleep. You want stay in a 5 star hotel after the day  or on a campground - your decision and we can help!

  3. Transparency - We have nothing to hide/all accountings will be public accessibe!
    There is nothing to hide and everyone, especially entrepreneurs, can just learn if we are transparent with travel expenses, income, payment and working time and we hope to be a role model with this concept.
  4. Experience - Everyone can be a guide!
    We believe, that everyone can be a guide. That means, that he is maybe not a professional guide but also he/she will just do tours he think he can handle. He/she is highly motivated because he/she planned the tour  and is probably doing it the first time too! Teambuilding. You're are an important part of the tour and not just someone following it.

  5.  Teambuilding - No events!
    I like sport events for coming together, suffering, having a goal, and sharing a race. They and the athletes inspire me. On the other hand, they're hard to organize, are expensive and have more restrictions, than adventure travel, so I like to see this travels as mini-multiday, exclusive adventure races. Biggest benefit is to organize it in more beautiful landscapes than other events and because of the non-competitive character you've even more time for forming friendships than in a race.

  6. Sustainable Action - Many people can do more!
    One big benefit of bringing motivated people together is to have good ideas and bring skills together to make this world better.

  7. Friendship- Friends are more worth than money!
    We want finish every tour as friends with adventures, experiences and stories to share - that's the most important part!

Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon